Gauntlet Dark End Part 2
- 文件大小:373.36 KB
- 更新时间:2025年02月28日
- 文件类别:魔兽RPG地图
- 下载次数:
- 文件作者:ArmyOfDark-Ness
- 信息编辑:魔兽基地
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玩家人数:2-6 Only!
This is my version of guantlet. This is the dark end. This map is possibly the best rpg ever.
Part 2
On this map you can save and load your hero at any time. You can load and save from exp, agi, str, int to items online and then load them into another multi player game. To many features to list here just read the intro text for additional information. To see the story-line and cenamatics download the Gauntlet Dark End Cenama 2 map. Map Created By: ArmyOfDark-Ness. Assistant Terrain Designer: Andari_Knight. Cenamatics By: UndeadPoo. Beta Tester: LoD-S-Kill-Chip. Don't Leave!! This map takes a long time to load because its the best!! For the Rpg Strategy Guide Goto
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